Monday Showers (Pouring more like it)

This morning I woke up to it being quite cold and rainy, I know typical English weather. But it wasn’t just raining or drizzling, it was pouring; there were a few times I thought my umbrella would fly away while I was waiting for the bus!! I went and checked out the campus gym today, and we’re definitely spoiled in America. The gym was so small, it was kind of hard to believe. There are 3 rowing machines, 5 bikes, 5 treadmills, 3 ellipticals, 1 skating machine, 1 stepper, a room of free weights and a room of machine weights! It was nice and quiet though today because all the other students has classes today; whereas international students don’t start for a whole week (I don’t know why we had to get here so early if we don’t start classes until October 1st). Afterwards I went to the “involvement carnival” where all the clubs and socities had tables and such to promote themselves. I think I’m going to join the archery society, the ballroom dancing club, and the fencing society while I’m here (when in Rome right?) so I’m excited about that. I also joined a ‘come dine with me’ society which is apparently based off a telvision show. Basically we’re all split up into small groups and weekly we rotate on who will cook a meal for the others; so I thought it’d be a great way to 1) get a ‘free’ meal and 2) meet a bunch of other people who like to cook! I’m really excited to start ballroom dancing as many of you know I love to dance, so I’ll be doing ballroom and latin and possibly salsa on the side. I’ve taken many archery courses already back in the States but fencing will be completely new experience. Although it’s pouring buckets right now, I think I’m going to head into Newcastle and just explore for a while; because I really don’t have much else to do at the moment. I put on my Hunters for the first time in England, put on a scarf and am venturing out to catch the bus! CHEERS!