The 24 Days of Blessings

December is one of my favorite months. Not because of Hallmark Channel playing non-stop Christmas movies or the piles of holiday sweets that end up at your desk at work or even the lights; I love this time of year because it renews my spirit with faith and hope. I see so much hurt, pain and struggles in the world and it makes me want to extend my arms and help every single cause. Children, single moms, underprivileged families, abandoned animals, children in 3rd world countries, the lonely neighbor down the street... there are so many worthy groups and this is the time of year where humanity pulls together to help those less fortunate. 

Christmas is the season to count the blessings you do have, because as is evident in our world, everybody is not as fortunate as the next. In the 24-days leading to Christmas, I realized that I had so many blessings in my life that I don't thank God for every day and this is the time of year to stop. reflect. and give thanks.

The 24 Days of Blessings

24. Clean, running water

23. A closest chalk full of "I have nothing to wear" clothes

22. A real bed 

21. Too many shoes to keep track of

20. Never having said "I'm starving" and meant it

19. A job that I actually don't loath

18. A warm coat for those chilly North Carolina days

17. Ladybug, my reliable (although she's getting up there in years) car

16. Being able to physically & financially afford to travel 

15. The gift of sight & sound

14. A Christmas meal that will leave you begging for Spandex

13. Witness true-love

12. Never having a Christmas without a gift under the tree

11. The blessing of knowing how to Sign, a language that is seldom learned but I find the most rewarding

10. Attending University, a right denied to many women around the world

9. The ability to read & write- still foreign to so many

8. The knowledge that God's plan for me is bigger than what I could have ever imagined

7. The military who make it possible for me to go to work in pants, pray, express my beliefs, and not worry about being attacked because of it

6. Parents who would lay down their lives for mine

5. Brothers who will stand up for me, even when I wasn't the nicest big sis

4. A handful of best friends who don't mind silly snapchats & texts

3. The wonderful unconditional love of my dog Abby

2. A family who loves one another

1. The biggest blessing of all: Jesus's birth

Merry Christmas to All