The Thankful Project: November 8th

The Thankful Project: November 8th: Words

Today's thankful project is being thankful for words. Immediately my mind went "well I'm thankful for the Word of God- duh", and then it went to "the encouraging words from friends" but I still just didn't have big ah-ha moment and my fingers start flying over the keys. I decided to look through one of my favorite boards on Pinterest for some sort of inspiration. The first pin there was something I pinned a few days ago and it was just like the Lord was speaking directly to me.

I don't post about romantic relationships very often but these words were just too good not to share. 

Let’s get this straight. There is a BIG difference between a Christian guy and a Man of God. The Christian guy might say that he loves you, but a Man of God will love God more than you. A Christian guy might text you Bible verse or have a tattoo of them, but a Man of God will live out those verses and have them written on his heart. A Christian guy might go to church, but a Man of God will praise and honor God in all his ways for all his days. A Christian guy might ‘accidentally’ compromise your virtue or purity, but a Man of God will protect it above all else. A Christian guy might be super attractive, fun or handsome, but a Man of God will have a beautiful heart, regardless of his looks. A Christian guy might be content to take you out, but a Man of God will go beyond the superficial and hold you up before God in his prayers continually.

There was a similar sermon by one of my favorite pastors, Matt Chandler, and he said... "Girls: the error they make is this really kind of “Well, he’s a neat Christian guy. I’ll marry him”. No. I think you avoid neat Christian boys like they’re the plague. I really do. You find a guy who is directionally headed toward godliness. Ok. Now, are they going be raw? Sure. Are they going to have weaknesses and flaws? Yes. Is there a desire and direction to become a godly man? Yeah that guy is gold.

I've become more and more increasingly aware of the amount of 'Christian boys'. I mean this is for men and women, but just because you have a Bible verse you Googled on your IG profile, doesn't make you a Godly man (or woman). To me, actively walking in a relationship with the Lord means: making every day decisions as if God was right there next to you. Spending time in fellowship with those who build you up and bring you closer to God. Praising and worshiping. Reading your Bible or a devotional or an app or something where you are getting the Word of God. Praying, whether that’s one, five or seventy times a day…making conversation with God. Bringing your heart and your desires before God and asking Him to show you His way. It is about recognizing your errors and sins and turning from your ways. It’s not just about church on Sunday and leaving Him at the door on your way out.

These words were just so poignant and truthful for the season of life myself and a few of my friends are in. I am so thankful that there are people like this that just spit truth and share it on social media, because just when I’m struggling and feel lost, God speaks in miraculous ways. I’m thankful for the Truth and for reality checks. I’m thankful for a network of women out there who continually share God’s truth for women and remind us all that honey, every little thing is going to be alright.