Half Way There: Peru 2016

I can't believe it- I'm over 50% towards my financial goal to go on my mission trip to Peru! Wow. Thank you, seriously, every single one of you who has prayed or financially supported this call to go serve the people in Peru. God is so good and I'm blown away by the support. Thank You!!! 

I have $845 left to raise. That number is nothing to sneeze at but I know that God has lead my heart to go on this mission for Him, so I know He will miraculously work out the funding.

In case you didn't get a chance to read my previous blog post, this summer I will be traveling to Arequpia, Peru to serve with an organization called AIM (Alpha International Missions). For a week I will be able to share the Gospel and pour out love on children and moms in this area while helping support the medical camp in the area.  

As I prepare for this wonderful opportunity God has placed in my lap, I'd love your support in both prayer and financial support if you feel lead.

If you're able to make a gift for this trip:

1. Go to Daystar's online giving website here (you can donate as a 'guest')

2. Click on "downtown campus"

3. Go down to the allocation of "Missions Directed- Unasigned"

4. Include message at the bottom and put "Katlin Peru Mission Fund" in the message box

5. Click continue and fill out the rest of the form with your information

THANK YOU for your prayers and financial gifts. I believe that He will provide the remaining $800+ for this trip and I'm just blown away by your willingness to support global missions. If you have any questions about giving or Peru, leave a comment or email me at katlinvoigt@gmail.com!